Transient Shifts – Workshop & Showing with/by Akemi Takeya


Join the exhilarating exploration of performance art with renowned artist Akemi Takeya! In this unique workshop experience, participants will delve into the realms of voice, body, and the captivating world of science fiction performance.

8–12 April 2024, 18:00–19:30 (90 min., incl. short break)
Seestadt Studios, Am-Ostrom-Park 11, 1220 Wien (5 min. walk from U2 Seestadt)
There is no workshop fee.
The max. 15 participants are required to attend classes on at least two days and commit to participating in the showing

13 April 2024, 17:00
Seestadt Studios, Am-Ostrom-Park 11, 1220 Wien (5 min. walk from U2 Seestadt)

Akemi Takeya will guide participants through a transformative journey, focusing on voice and body training, fundamental performance techniques, and exercises designed to enhance perceptual sensitivity and inner strength. Drawing inspiration from aikido, participants will explore stage presence, articulation, tension release, and more.

In the second half of each session, participants will delve into the exciting world of Takeya’s latest project, Transient Shifts: Beyond the Now in Breaking Out of the Body. This science fiction-based performance piece centers around Earthlings venturing to the fictional planet Ayviss. Participants will undergo training for this epic journey, culminating in a captivating performative experience. The final showing will be a performative journey to the Planet Ayviss with the participants as a work in progress.

Experience the culmination of this journey as participants take the stage in a work-in-progress performance journeying to the mysterious Planet Ayviss!

For more information and registration, visit here or write to

Made possible by cultural funding from the Donaustadt district